25 Days of Happy
Sometimes you wake up and you finally realize how blessed you are. Your life is not perfect but you are thankful for all you have. Today was that day for me, I looked back on the last week and realized how positive and happy I was and want to share that and continue to motivate myself to stay in this mindset. So tomorrow I’m kicking off a challenge to myself #25daysofhappy on my instagram. You have to remind yourself of the goodness that is in your life and surrounds you or you’ll get stuck in the negativity.
We can sometimes get bogged down with the woes of life and let that stuck impact us and internalize it and become negative but for me I say no longer. I will no longer be unhappy, I will no longer let circumstances change my life but what I will do and walk in love and light. Be healthy in mind body and spirit. There is a freeing aspect in learning to love your life in trials and tribulations. Loving not only those who show you how much they love and care for you but also the unloveable.
So here’s to 25 days and more of positivity, love and rejuvenation.
Thanks for reading and I hope you will join me. And as always feel free to comment. XOXO Lola K.
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